I will be on the CHRISTENING VOYAGE of the Disney DREAM!! Yes, I will be setting sail on her before she even opens to the public! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!!!
The prize includes one night at Disney World prior to the cruise. It also includes some kind of event at the Magic Kingdom but we haven't been given any details on that yet. The next morning we are transferred to the port for a 3 day cruise on the DREAM---including a stop at Castaway Cay. I don't know know too much more at this time except for the fact that this cruise is mainly for press and VIPs!! I'm expecting a pretty awesome trip!!! :)
I am able to bring one guest and I will be bringing my sister. She is a professional photographer so I promise to post real photos soon after we get back (sailing Jan 18-21)....I won't wait 6 months to get those up here!!!
There is a lot of Disney news---new additions to Magic Kingdom; major expansion at Downtown Disney; new restaurants and more... Those will have to be for later posts. Today I am going to bask in the glow of my prize cruise!!! YAHOO!!!
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